txtNation add Mobile Verification for online billing with the release of mVERIFY
Released on = March 22, 2006, 4:24 am
Press Release Author = txtnation
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = A recent partner - \"They're developing products that take the consumer experience in directions that others haven't even thought of and we want those products in our portfolio.\" The Mobile Verfiy solution gives websites the possibility to get rid of repeat signup pages forms. The end users are charged to their credit card via SMS / Mobile.
Press Release Body = A recent partner - \"They're developing products that take the consumer experience in directions that others haven't even thought of and we want those products in our portfolio.\"
The Mobile Verfiy solution gives websites the possibility to get rid of repeat signup pages forms. The end users are charged to their credit card via SMS / Mobile.
Director, Michael Whelan... \"This is a major step forward in our arsenal of payment solutions.\"
End-users register their details just once with mVERIFY and may then purchase content from any merchant displaying the mVERIFY logo by sending a simple text message or just entering their email online.
mVERIFY differentiates itself from other schemes by creating a single mobile payment brand that both consumers and merchants can easily recognise. Registered users know that anywhere they see the mVERIFY logo that they can purchase content directly from their mobile handsets using their credit or debit card. Although initially txtNation are targeting merchants in the entertainment and online gaming industries, the service can be extended to other types of merchants.
Director, Michael Whelan, \"We will use this payment method to strengthen our ever increasing arsenal of payment types onto of Premium SMS which will appeal to a separate audience. This will also allow webmasters with no updates to their site to have this payment solution enabled from day one as a primary, secondary or even tertiary billing solution.\"
mVERIFY means only one form has to be filled out and encourages repeat use due to fact only one time form use.
mVERIFY allows registered users to purchase both online and mobile content from affiliated merchants and pay with a credit or debit card of their choice. Users register their details, including mobile phone number and optional e-mail address once only, and can purchase content from a Web or WAP site, or by simply sending an SMS message. This message contains a unique code for the merchant and product and is sent to a mobile number dedicated to the service.
The platform performs the necessary financial authorisations for the card purchase and instructs the appropriate merchant to deliver the product to the user. Users can have content delivered directly to their mobile handsets or receive a username and password to access the content online. The administration website also offers account management features, enabling users to track recent purchases and update their details via an easy-to-use Web interface.
For more information about txtNation please contact sales@txtnation.com or call +44(0)1752 669798. Further information can also be found online at txtnation.com or m-verify.com.
By Ieva Augustauskaite
Web Site = http://www.txtnation.com
Contact Details = txtNation House 38 Chaddlewood Ave Plymouth PL4 8RF United Kingdom Telephone: (United Kingdom) +44(0)1752 669798 sales@txtnation.com
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